JA Volunteer Opportunities
JA Fundamentals consist of FIVE sessions, each 30-55 minutes in length. Detailed lesson plans help the volunteer guide students through activity-based sessions that use stories, games, and role plays to help students explore the basics of business, careers, civics, economics, entrepreneurship, and personal finance. Volunteer-led. Grades PreK-5.
Each day JA BizTown opens its doors, 5th or 6th grade students become JA BizTown ‘citizens’ for the day where they work in one of 15 businesses, manage their personal and business finances, develop and sell products, hold business meetings, pay taxes and donate to charity. Prior to attending the simulation, students are led through 16 teacher-led sessions. Grades 5-6. Approximately 8:00-2:00.
YES! (Your Economic Success) is a half-day morning program held at the middle school. It consists of a series of activities intended to help students realize the importance of financial and career decisions. The program’s synergy is created by every student in the building participating in JA in a single day.
Volunteer-led. Grades 6, 7, & 8.
Approximately 7:30AM-11:15AM.
Volunteer Testimonial
“(…) thanks to the training materials that were emailed out ahead of time, I felt prepared approaching the day. The individualized training we got that morning was the perfect cherry on top. I knew what to expect from the moment I arrived to the moment I left. (…) What a great day! Thanks again to everyone at JA and SMS.”
-Susquenita Middle School YES! Volunteer
STEM Summit is a day-long program. This program includes eight or nine sessions with science experiments, technology, engineering and math competitions, and trades modules. STEM Summit is held in the high school's gymnasium. Volunteer-led. Grades 9-10. Approximately 8:00-2:00.
REAL Life is a day-long program held in the high school's gymnasium. The program consists of a series of activities intended to help students gain an appreciation for good financial decision-making and career-readiness. Students spend 1/2 day in our Budget Builder module and the other half day rotating through 4 activities. Volunteer-led. Grades 11-12.
Approximately 8:00-2:00.