JA BizTown Volunteer Training Resources
As a JA BizTown volunteer, you will serve as a "business consultant", leading staff meetings, helping the students to read and understand their job directions, and reminding the students to stay on task and focus on their goals. Preparing our students to be productive and effective consumers, workers, and citizens in our community is at the core of Junior Achievement's mission.
Training Videos and Volunteer Manuals
STEP 1: Watch all ten videos (25 minutes total).
You are Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders
1 - JA BizTown Overview
2 - Role of a Volunteer
3 - Staff Meeting #1
4 - Opening Town Meeting
5 - Break Rotations
6 - Staff Meeting #2
7 - Shopping Breaks
8 - Clean Up
9 - Closing Town Meeting
STEP 2: Volunteer Manuals
Individual Business Volunteer Manual. Once you’ve been assigned to a shop, review your specific business training guide.
Parking Information
The Junior Achievement BizTown facility is located at 610 South George Street, York, PA. Our main entrance is located on West Boundary Avenue (alley) green awning over the door.
For DAYTIME Parking while visiting JA BizTown, you may park on South George Street (no meters) OR WellSpan has graciously offered JA volunteers the ability to park in the lot located DIRECTLY BEHIND (NOT ON THE SIDE OF) the WellSpan building located at 540 S. George Street.
Please enter the WellSpan lot from West Boundary Avenue (alley)
PLEASE park in the spaces along the back fence or next row from the back fence (it does say WellSpan parking only)
Please DO NOT PARK in any lots on the other side of George Street including Byrnes Health Education Center or in the angled spaces on West Boundary Ave (alley).
The WellSpan property is a NO SMOKING ZONE